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2020 Kangaroo Island Fundraiser

We are truly humbled by the response we’ve received to our fundraiser for the rescue and rehabilitation efforts for the wildlife who have been injured in the recent Australian bushfires.

We originally started with a fundraising target of $5,000 and we were quickly blown away by the generous international response we received, ending up with a staggering total of $33,200 in 10 days!

We will be distributing the funds across the various organisations in Kangaroo Island, you can see the work all these organisations and independent carers are doing:

We received 1668 entries and we are excited to announce the winners of our raffle draw and are excited to announce that our winners are: First prize: Mark Kennedy and Second prize: Gioia Mansard.

Congratulations to you both!

Thank you again to everyone who contributed, sent messages of support and offers of assistance to help with this important cause!