Swim with whales in Tonga and around the world
+ 61 (0) 402 124 453

Rare Albino Calves & the Power of Citizen Science

If you’ve been following any Tonga-related social media accounts, you will have seen the excitement about the new snowy-white calf born this year.  After analysing the photos from various encounters, our marine biologist Alice Forrest has been able to confirm there were in fact two separate white calves!

Photos by: Alice Forrest (left), Tris Sheen, Adam McKnight (top right)

Alice, together with Tris Sheen from Whale Discoveries, analysed the fluke shots of both mothers as well as photos of both calves to confirm that they were separate individuals.

No white calves have previously been documented in Tonga (that we are aware of), so to encounter not one, but two this year, is extremely rare. It also shows the power of citizen science, and how much we can learn from a simple photo.

2020 Tonga Photography Workshops with Linda Beks 

We are excited to announce that award winning photographer, Linda Beks will be joining us to run photography workshops in Tonga during our 2020 season.

If you are interested in capturing some great images while you are swimming with the humpback whales then these trips are the ones to book. No photography experience is required and Linda will cover everything from basic tips and tricks to more advanced techniques.

Linda Beks tour dates:



Waterproof Expeditions and Swimming with Gentle Giants join forces

In 2019 Waterproof Expeditions and Swimming with Gentle Giants join forces to bring you some new and exciting expeditions in Tonga. With over 17 years taking people to swim with humpback whales in Tonga, combined with Waterproof Expeditions who are experts in adventure and expedition travel around the world, this venture sees us offering some of the best experiences with whales you could ever imagine.

Just released for 2019, new tours to swim with the humpback whales in Tonga:

12th – 19 July – Tour #2 – 7 Days on the water
20th – 27th July Tour #3 – 7 Days on the water

9th – 16th August – Tour #4 – 7 Days on the water
20th – 27th August – Tour #5 – 7 Days on the water

1st – 8th October – Tour #6 – 7 Days on the water
9th – 16th October Tour #7 – 7 Days on the water
17th – 24th October Tour #8 – 7 Days on the water

Contact us for more information on how you can join one of these amazing trips.



Another year with the lovely Bucketlist Family

One of my favourite times of year in Tonga is when Garrett and his family turn up for their annual pilgrimage to swim with the whales. I love the enthusiasm and connection they have with the whales. their latest v-blog really captures the essence of their last trip here with  us in Tonga. Can’t wait to see you guys again next season. I love this video!!

2020 Just released! Already taking bookings

Looking towards 2020, we have just released our new dates for the upcoming 2020 season, if you missed out this year and are looking to book next year or the year after, here is what we have on offer:

Tour 1 – 13th -21st July (7 Days)
Tour 2 – 24th – 31st July (7 Days)
Tour 3 – 3rd -11th August (7 Days)
Tour 4 – 12th – 20th August (8 Days)
Tour 5 – 24th Aug -1st Sept (8 Days)
Tour 6 – 4th Sept – 13th Sept (7 Days)
Tour 7 – 12th – 22nd Sept (8 Days)
Tour 8 – 25th Sept – 3rd Oct (8 Days)
Tour 9 – 5th – 13th October (7 Days)
Tour 10 – 14th – 23rd October (8 Days)

Tour 6 H – 1-Sep – 12-Sept (7 Days)
Tour 7H – 12th – 20th Sept (6 Days)
Tour 8H – 22nd – 30th Sept (7 Days)

Contact us for more details or to book your 2020 tours.

Michaela Skovranova with humpback whales in Tonga Vava'u. Don Silcock


Baby Whale Breach

You never know what to expect when you are out on the water in Tonga with the humpback whales. We had this rambunctious calf propel itself out of the water at full speed and breach in front of our group. Truly a memorable moment.

Check out the feature from USA Today


A Tail in the air wins the Asferico International Nature Awards

We experienced some unique behaviour with this female Humpback last season and I managed to capture an interesting perspective showing the enormous tail and body above and below the surface. This image was awarded at the Asferico International Nature awards in the underwater category in 2018. We can learn so much from documenting unique behaviour from these majestic mammals. check out some of the talented photographers and their inspiring works of nature at the Asferico awards.

2018 Dates Released for Tonga

2017 dates are now fully booked but we have just released our dates for 2018,

Tour 1 – 26th July – 6th August (8 Day)

Tour 2 – 6th Aug – 15th August (8 Day)

Tour 3 – 17th Aug – 26th August (7 Day)

Tour 4 – 27th Aug – 5th Sept (8 Day)

Tour 5 – 7th Sept – 17th Sept (8 Day)

Tour 6 – 18th Sept – 27th Sept (8 Day)

Tour 7 – 28th Sept – 7th October (7 Day)


Underwater Encounters in Tonga

A little snippet of the amazing underwater encounters we have had this season in Tonga with the whales. very action packed, 2018 will be here before you know it, so check out the tour dates if you want to join us.

Aerial Views of Tonga and the Humpback whales

Some beautiful aerial footage of Tonga and the whales to entice those thinking of joining us next year. If you want to see this in 2018 join us for the chance to swim with the whales and see some amazing behaviour, not to mention stunning tropical islands.